
The Tucson Innovation Partnership is an informal group of individuals and organizations seeking to serve the entrepreneurship and innovation communities.

Purpose of TIP
To help members of organizations working to serve entrepreneurs provide better services to our respective constituents within the startup community
To coordinate activities among the member organizations at a strategic level, not at the individual case level
To better represent the collective interests of entrepreneurs, startups, and small businesses to the economic development community
How to Join
Membership is voluntary and open to anyone whose interests are aligned with TIP’s purpose and who finds value in participating in the monthly meetings. TIP membership will not be marketed publicly but members may invite guests to join. Typical members represent organizations or non-profits working to support entrepreneurs and that offer programs, events and services to those within Southern Arizona. Consultants are welcome to observe but this group is not for the purposes of lead-gen or self-interest.
For further inquiries please feel free to reach out to liz@startuptucson.com
Organizational Structure
No formal organization, however members should remain active attending and participating in the monthly meetings.
The group will meet monthly to update each other on relevant programs and initiatives and discuss issues relevant to the purpose of the group. Specific needs or initiatives aligned with TIP’s purpose may be brought to the group, and interested members can form a committee to address them beyond the general monthly meetings.
Meeting Structure
Meets Second Wednesday of the Month from 3:00-4:00pm.
Standing agenda: Intro to the purpose of TIP and of the meeting, Round robin updates (2-5 minutes depending on the number of attendees, keep it to what’s new and relevant), any specific topics of the month
Rules of Play:
As a participant you agree to:
Come to the table with your first priority being how to better serve the needs of startups, entrepreneurs and small businesses
Contribute positively to the discussion or not at all
No sales or individual pitches
No criticism or opinions, only suggestions as to how to improve
Stay on topic and limit lengthier discussions for follow-up meetings
Current Members
Allen Kinnison
Southern Arizona Leadership Council
Bruce Burgess
Tech Launch Arizona
Danny Knee
Community Investment Corporation
Dre Thompson
Groundswell Capital / Tucson IDA
Felipe Garcia
Visit Tucson
Greg Hitt
University of Arizona
Ian Roark
Pima Community College
Jim Jindrick
Education2Success.org LLC
Kathy Prather
Liz Pocock
Startup Tucson
Michael Slania
Pima IDA
Rick Yngve
Board Chair, JobPath
Sue Oliver
Alma Peralta
City of Tucson
Carol Stewart
Tech Parks Arizona
Donna Hover-Ojeda
Mighty Underdogs
Erica Mitnik
University of Arizona, Research Innovation and Impact Team
Fletcher McCusker
University of Arizona Venture Capital
Heath Vescovi-Chiordi
Pima County
Jacquelyne Vega
City of Tucson
John Sharp
McGuire Center for Enterpreneurship
Kevin Burke
City of Tucson
Lydia Kennedy
Pima Community College
Paul Melcher
Town of Oro Valley
Stephanie Bermúdez
Startup Unidos
Barbara Coffee
City of Tucson
Casey Carrillo
University of Arizona Center for Innovation (UACI)
Doug Hockstad
Tech Launch Arizona
Erica Yngve
Sonoran Stitch Factory
Frank Velasquez Jr.
Tucson Metro Chamber
Isabel Georgelos
YWCA Tucson, Women's Business Center
John Dennis
Optics Valley
Karla Morales
Arizona Tech Council
Lisa Schlegel
Pima Community College
Michael Guymon
Tucson Metro Chamber
Rob Elias
Tucson Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Stephen Fleming
University of Arizona