Startup 101

Ready to get started?
Our Startup 101 class is your next step!

About this Program:
Startup 101 is our introductory course and the perfect starting point to get going with a new product, service or idea or jumpstart your current business! You'll learn about using lean methods to reduce risk and increase success in your entrepreneurial journey. We'll also introduce you to Startup Tucson and share how our organization supports entrepreneurs in Southern Arizona.
what's on the agenda?

Part 1: Intro to the Lean Canvas & Lean Tools
Learn how you can use the Lean Business Model Canvas to map out the basics of your business and get your idea down on paper.

We'll introduce tools and resources to help answer 5 big questions we think anyone should be asking themselves as they start or grow a business.
Topics include:
Customer Discovery
Market Research
Unique Value Propositions
and more!
Part 2: Pitching Your Business Idea & Connecting with Peers
Each participant will give a short elevator pitch about their business.
You'll then receive feedback on your pitch from your peers and our team.
"I felt engaged and part of the group, that was very helpful." - Maria C.

why should I attend?
Whether you are early on and just tinkering with an idea or already in business and want to explore a pivot or refresh on the basics, this workshop will introduce tools and resources you can use no matter where you are on your entrepreneurial journey.
This workshop is particularly helpful for those new to Startup Tucson and looking for general information on how to get started in all of Startup Tucson's programs.
After completing the Startup 101 course, you'll be invited to join our free membership program. Membership benefits include:
Office hours with the Startup Tucson team
Program and event recommendations
Partner referrals
Access to subject matter experts and mentors
Discounts, and more -- all for FREE!
"It was excellent, taught me a lot and was explained in a way that was easy to understand." - Linda S.
REGISTRation details
Valued at $100, we are able to offer this session at an affordable rate thanks to the City of Tucson and to the Thomas R. Brown Foundation who have underwritten the program.
All courses will meet virtually on Zoom.
Still have questions or can't make these session times work?
Connect with us at!